Sunday, October 26, 2014

I actually started off today with the intent of blogging about KDE features that are now working in Kubuntu 14.10 that didn't do so well in 14.04. Screenshots and all. The one I wanted to rave on the most was KDE Connect. However, despite having Android Jellybean, which has a built in screen shot feature, when I used the button combination my phone restarted instead. So I spent a good part of my afternoon in chat with a Samsung rep trying to get it fixed (After a factory reset we did.)

End result, no blog on KDE Connect or Cloud Storage Manager, as I have to work on getting my phone back to the way I had it. Thank God for Google settings backup services which had my app settings stored but I have to completely redo my layout to get it back to where I had it. What was the cause of the problem? An Android System update sitting in my queue waiting to install. Go figure.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Getting Kolab on Ubuntu

These are the steps I needed to do to setup the Kolab Repositories for Ubuntu. Please note these are minor corrections that are listed from the Kolab Site:

For Ubuntu 14.04: Add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list;

deb ./
deb ./

Get the gpg key:

gpg --keyserver --search

To import the key:

sudo bash
gpg --export --armor | apt-key add -

Put the following in /etc/apt/preferences.d/kolab:

Package: *
Pin: origin

Pin-Priority: 501

sudo apt-get update

aptitude install kolab

When asked to confirm that you want to install the package and its dependencies, press Enter.